The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
The Department of Electronics and Communication comprises of 12 fully equipped labs. The students have easy access to CRO, power supplies, function generator, trainer kits as well as relevant analog and digital IC in the following labs:
The other labs. of the department are :
Microprocessor Lab:
It is devoted to programming of 8085 and 8086 microprocessor using Trainer kits with assembler as well as interfacing cards like 8251, 8253, 8255, 8257, 8259, 8279, ADC, DAC etc. Two sets of 8086 based In-circuit Emulators are there to develop projects on mp. The sophisticated mixed scale OSC of 60MHz with logic Analyser is available for checking different signals generated by microprocessor.
Consumer Electronics and Satellite and Mobile Communication Lab:
This is an advanced specialized lab. consisting of trainer kits in the area of Mobile Comm., GPS, Satellite Comm., CDMA Cassette tape Recorder.
Embedded Systems:
This emerging scientific enterprise called "Embedded Systems" is all set to open new horizons for the students of this field. A new lab has been set up in the college for this very purpose, thus taking a bold step in enlightening students in till now unventured areas in embedded technology.
Here, we have 2 platforms to develop embedded systems which are:
Electronics Computer Aided Design Lab:
This lab is well equipped with the latest software available for Electronic Circuit Design. Licensed 5.2 version of Mentra Graphics (FPGA) advantage along with TINA PRO are a regular part of the curriculum for the third semester and upwards. Apart from this, ORCAD and Matlab 6.1 version is also available for various signal processing, PCB designing, fuzzy logic conrol, Neural Network etc.