Institute Innovation Council (IIC)

Innovation is an important part of humanity and an immeasurable necessity in every educational institution. The task of evolving students and molding them into fine engineers and innovators who go on to dominate various fields filled with other talented inventors and entrepreneurs is among the most crucial ventures of a college. In the upcoming tech-dominant era of engineering, a council that leads the institution in providing depth of knowledge and exposure to the latest advancements in technology and topics of vital importance to the students walking this path is necessary. Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India has established ‘MoE’s Innovation Cell (MIC)’ to systematically foster the culture of Innovation among all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The primary mandate of MIC is to encourage, inspire, and nurture young students by supporting them to work with new ideas and transform them into prototypes while they are informative years.

MIC has envisioned encouraging the creation of ‘Institution Innovation Councils (IICs) across selected HEIs. A network of IICs are established to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the Institution through multitudinous modes leading to an innovation promotion ecosystem on the campuses.

Acknowledging this belief, the Institute’s Innovation Council (IIC) has been established in GTBIT, whose sole aim is to instill an innovative and pioneer mindset in students and enable growth by inhibiting the ability to work upon it, IIC. The potential for creating one from zero thrives in every human, as it is one of the basic human abilities that enabled evolution and makes us the dominant species. The major issue with this ability is the fact that due to this age of mass conformity, most of our potential to cover ground results in rendered unknown and unexplored. The ideas, the brilliant underlying and unrealized discoveries, and the attempts to reach the realms of innovations beyond our grasp are shut down due to the most mundane problem of improper nourishment and a useless sense of conformity. It is at this area of weakness, that IIC aims to strike at and develop it into strength.


Major Focus:

  • To create a vibrant local innovation ecosystem.
  • Start-up supporting mechanism in HEIs.
  • Prepare institute for ATAL- Ranking of institutions on innovation achievements framework.
  • Establish a functional ecosystem for scouting ideas and pre-incubation of ideas.
  • Develop better cognitive ability among students.

Functions of IIC:

  • To conduct various Innovation, IPR, and entrepreneurship-related activities prescribed by MIC in a time-bound fashion.
  • Identify and reward innovations and share success stories. Organize periodic workshops/ seminars/ interactions with entrepreneurs, investors, and professionals and create a mentor pool for student innovators.
  • Network with peers and national entrepreneurship development organizations.
  • Create an Institution’s Innovation portal to highlight innovative projects carried out by the institution’s faculty and students.
  • Organize Hackathons, idea competitions, mini-challenges, etc. with the involvement of industries.

Objectives of IIC @GTBIT:

  • Fostering a culture of innovation: To cultivate an environment that encourages curiosity, exploration, and a mindset to work upon the ideas that lay dormant.
  • Promote Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Encourage the spirit of collaboration and teamwork, and work with professionals from different fields to make the ideas a reality.
  • Provide Mentorship and Guidance: Provide knowledge and support for students to guide them in their innovative and research endeavors.
  • Conduct workshops, events, and seminars: Organize workshops, events, and seminars on emerging technologies, design thinking, and other relevant topics with qualified professionals to enhance mindset among students.
  • Promote entrepreneurship and startups: Support students in exploring their ideas by providing resources, guidance, and networking opportunities. The main aim is to provide the ability to turn ideas into startups.
  • Organize innovation challenges and competitions: Host regular innovation challenges, and events to motivate students to develop and showcase their ideas and tech-related creative solutions.

Events By IIC @GTBIT:

Click Here for Events Report

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